We've now got over 180 products, and users from around the globe. To make things easier for you to find what you need, we're listing items that we think will be relevant for you first. Items are shown as follows:
- Products under your governing law
- Products in your national language(s) and English
- Other Products
Currently, we are only selling products under Swiss law, so you'll only see that first category if you're in Switzerland. As we launch in other jurisdictions, you'll see items under your governing law first.
We decide what items to show you based on your IP address. If you register and/or sign in, you'll be shown items based on the address in your registration. There is a country setting in the menu (next to the location pointer). There is currently a country setting for Switzerland and countries other than Switzerland. As we launch in other jurisdictions, we will add further country settings.
As always, feedback welcome. We are here to help!
Your PartnerVine team